>Church of Croatian Martyrs / Cavoglave, Cro / 2003 _07
>Project in 2003_05, completed in 2007, interior under construction
CCM, also signed by certain fortification_touch as it has been cultivated in the local tradition, is tending to express an vague attribution: early step of design is based on the consequences of imagined tectonic "provoked by centuries" on the still unexisting building. Those fractures/cracks are not literally emulated, they are interpreted by standard architectural vocabulary: skylight, double height ceiling_slash, etc., but on the unexpected positions.
>Outer walls are treated as stone_surface with "after_sliced" openings
>Fig.7/9: "After_sliced" openings in the stone_surface are occasionally exposing the illegible thickness of architecture.
The side windows are articulated as stone_wall_pattern in stylized "tetris" interpretation, made in thermally banded glass with dual gradation of translucency.
>Biennial award "Stone in Architecture" / 2007
>Nominated by CAA for annual "V. Kovacic" Award / 2008
>Nominated by CAA for annual "V. Nazor" Award granted by Ministry of Culture / 2008
>Gorana Banic & Emil Sverko / with Ana Sverko
>Project in 2003_05, completed in 2007, interior under construction
CCM, also signed by certain fortification_touch as it has been cultivated in the local tradition, is tending to express an vague attribution: early step of design is based on the consequences of imagined tectonic "provoked by centuries" on the still unexisting building. Those fractures/cracks are not literally emulated, they are interpreted by standard architectural vocabulary: skylight, double height ceiling_slash, etc., but on the unexpected positions.
>Outer walls are treated as stone_surface with "after_sliced" openings
>Fig.7/9: "After_sliced" openings in the stone_surface are occasionally exposing the illegible thickness of architecture.
The side windows are articulated as stone_wall_pattern in stylized "tetris" interpretation, made in thermally banded glass with dual gradation of translucency.
>Biennial award "Stone in Architecture" / 2007
>Nominated by CAA for annual "V. Kovacic" Award / 2008
>Nominated by CAA for annual "V. Nazor" Award granted by Ministry of Culture / 2008
>Gorana Banic & Emil Sverko / with Ana Sverko